

Heavenya is a tech nonprofit pioneering excellent technology for every believer to become united and inspired. We aim to preserve the Christian community in the realm of technology for upcoming generations.

What We Do

We create software for individual believers of all denominations of Christianity.

What Are You Giving To

Donations fund the costs of developing, sustaining, and growing the faith based tech apps we create to reach globally.

Who We Are

We are a team of united digital missionaries at Heavenya a faith based 501c(3) nonprofit organization. To continue our mission we would love your support you can donate on our website.

Why We Do It?

We do it for God and you! We have never known another message that has the ability to transform an individual’s life, heart, identity, and eternal destiny.


Love - Both for God and our neighbor embraced in the workplace from the biblical definition in 1 Corinthians 13:4-8. We believe our organization expression of love consists of in a giving mindset to those outside and within the org. Showing up in a passionate obsession to help with the needs of who we serve.

Adaptability - Frequent scientific experimentation testing a lot with fast speed. Professional excellence is a requirement to play on this team. Have solid clear communication we are up to speed leaving no room for assumptions. Speaking the native language well for of the sub team you are on. Those underperforming and missing 2 due dates in a row you will be asked to leave we glorify God with commitment to great work in a timely manner.

Innovation - To be at the forefront pioneering excellent technology. Vibrant enegry comes from those passionate in the process so if it's amazing as we keep the momentum and thrive together staying ahead in of the change.

Cofounder Story

When I was 6 years old my half brother passed away. It started the quest on figuring out what happens to life after death? What happened to my brother? When I was growing up I was a cultural Christian. The Bible stories seem nice just like the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus except with more rules. I'm naturally a contrarian and I didn't think being a cultural Christian was the best way to live. So I started searching into other spiritual paths, archeology, and testimonies. A particular story that inspired was about a man who lived a life in crime but during his time in prison found faith in God. He came out and became a family centric man and started a successful roofing business. This along with many stories led me to think there was something special about Jesus. During high school at the age of 16 I took personal prayer time more seriously with God and began to notice changes in attitude, perspective, and desires. During that time I promoted a lot of nightlife activities and parties which was fun and created great memories. However, I observed the effect that these parties and activities had on people. It began moving in a direction where those recreational habits became addictions. I saw a trajectory that gripped my heart. A new social platform was becoming popular at this time and I created an account called Team Jesus with the username christianlyfe with the intention to promote faith events but with the current schedule I just didn't get around to it. As my personal faith journey grew I began to fantasize about being a missionary. Usually known for going overseas but I also had this interest in technology and realized this is not going to cut it. The 2 came together and Heavenya was born. I became a digital missionary at Heavenya since people have a life that comes to pass and if God is real I want to make the most of my time here in this life with eternal perspective. So here at Heavenya we are pioneering excellent technology for every believer to become united and inspired.